Paris: Day four


Ever since drinking that amazing 'le chocolat africain' from Angelina I have been craving hot chocolate rather then coffee for a change! Today, after a visit to the Arc de Triomphe and a lovely buttery croissant from Collet, I went on the hunt for La Petit Rose, a small cafe/chocolatier that not suprisingly, specialises in chocolate!

My delicious croissant!

I ordered le chocolat chaud 70% as I thought that the 85% version may be a little bitter for my liking! The drink arrived piping hot (just as I like it!) and had a thick velvety consistency, although not as thick as Angelina's.

The bitterness from the dark chocolate made the drink less sweet and I was easily able to drink the whole lot without feeling sick this time!

Overall La Petit Rose is a homely cafe with friendly service, and is clearly popular with the locals as there were a few people chatting away in there at the time. The pastries and chocolates also look lovely and if I ever go again, I'll certainly try a few of them!

On the subject of chocolate, I also made a visit to Michel Chaudun, a chocolatier that makes very impressive chocolate creations.

Some of Michel's creations

I was thrilled to actually meet the man himself, and I even managed to get a photo- lucky me! I bought myself a mini chocolate eiffel tower which I will keep as a souvenir, as his models apparently last forever!

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