Paris: Day five


Today I took a trip up to Montmartre to visit the Sacre Coeur and the famous Moulin Rouge.
I wasn't expecting much, as I felt I had already seen many of the main sites, but I was pleasantly suprised. Monmartre is beautiful- narrow cobbled streets lined with cafes, restaurants and gift shops. The place was also full of street artists creating amazing works of art. It really was lovely. I first picked up some biscuits from Biscuiterie de Montmartre (which I have told myself I must save to take home!) before having a look around the Dali musuem (an interesting find).

After visiting both the Sacre Coeur and Moulin Rouge, I went on to find Arnaud Larher, a prizeworthy patissier from what I have read. His pastry creations in the shop window looked incredible, and although I was tempted by these, it was an incredibly hot day and I didn't think that any of them would make it back to my apartment safely!

Instead I chose a Moelleux Chocolat Praline, which looked dense and chocolatey- perfect! It was rather weighty aswel, so I knew this was a good buy!

I took the first bite. Wow. It was even better than I had expected. I've never tasted anything like it- rich, dense, moist and chocolatey. The cake was almost brownie-like in texture, but without the chewyness. Instead it was tender and melted in the mouth. The middle was a soft, gooey chocolate fondant filling- rich and dark but not at all bitter. The centre was then topped with a disc of crispy praline which was absolutely delicious. I've had some good chocolate cake throughout my life but nothing compares to this. My god I would kill for the recipe!

As if I hadn't had enough, in the afternoon I hopped on the Metro to find Jacques Genin and indulge in another scrumptious pastry. You can see my review by clicking here.

This evening I still have a couple of macarons to taste, and my opinion on those will be coming soon!

Tomorrow is unfortunately my last day and I expect I will spend it making the most of living the parisian lifestyle and hopping in and out of any pastry shops that happen to be open on a Sunday!

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