

This is just a quick post to say congratulations to my wonderful younger sister who graduated from university recently with a first class honours degree in psychology.
I know that she spent weeks studying from morning to evening to achieve that result and so she really does deserve it!

Helen has now moved back home and in September she will be embarking on a Masters degree in forensic psychology- scary stuff!
I wish her all the best for the following year, I just know shes gonna make it!

So, back to the baking, do you like the graduation bear I made for her?

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  1. I need this bear!! (its hannah clark by the way)xx

  2. Love the bear! What type of biscuit did you use for it? And big congratulations to your sister.

  3. Hi B, for the bear I used Nigella's recipe for cut-out butter biscuits. They hold their shape well so are good for things like this! Sometimes I use a shortbread recipe which works quite well too.
    Claire x

  4. Hannah- one day I will bring you a claire bear biscuit :)
    Love you! x

  5. Thanks! I wondered at first if it was a gingerbready-type biscuit, but looking at the picture again I'm not sure why I did! Shortbread is always good, at any time...!

  6. Yes I prefer shortbread but depending on the recipe it can loose it shape in the oven and you end up with a splodge rather than a bear!


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