First day in Paris: Angelina


Well I'm glad to say that I arrived safe in Paris last night without any problems and I am nicely settling into my apartment which is absolutely lovely and even has a view of the eiffel tower (can you spot it?)!

I have spent most of today wondering around, trying to find some of the many patisseries I intend to visit, but actually getting quite lost!

A couple of hours after leaving the apartment this morning, I finally found Angelina, a very upmarket tearoom with a belle epoque interior.

Angelina is particularly known for its 'le Chocolat Africain'- 7 euros 20 cents of pure thick hot chocolate with 'creme chantilly' on the side.

The chocolate is served in a jug, for you to pour into your cup as you please. I must say the portion size is certainly enough for two and I was actually wondering whether I would manage it all (or maybe not...)!

Although I'm not a big fan of whipped cream, it did make rather a refreshing accompaniment to the rich drink which you can practically eat with a spoon. I'm glad I ordered some water to have on the side as I certainly needed something to wash it all down!

I had been contemplating ordering a pastry of some sort aswel but after drinking the first cupful I'm so glad I didn't! This drink is for the serious chocoholics and although I have a sweet tooth, I can honestly say I felt a little sick by the time I had finished!

Anyhoo, it was very enjoyable and I certainly recommend Angelina's hot chocolate to anyone with a craving for something sweet. It certainly satisfied my sweet tooth for a few hours...until I went and bought my next treat from Patisserie Collette. Keep reading for the full review on that one soon!

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