Some more birthday cakes...


There have been a few birthdays this year, including my sister ofcourse, and I've felt really privelidged to be making cakes for such special people in my life.

One of my old friends Nikki turned 21 this year and her mum asked me if I could make her a cake to have at her party. Nikki already had quite a few ideas about the design of the cake so I didn't have any trouble in trying decide how to decorate it! Infact these were my instructions: Silver and black icing saying 'Happy Birthday Nikki' with decorations including colourful cocktail glasses, a black retriever dog, a horse, a runner, dresses and bags and a globe to represent travel.
So I said, sure, I can do that!

As you can see, I actually decided to do a two tier cake rather than one really big one as I thought this would look more impressive and grand-perfect for a 21st cake! Cutting the cocktail glasses out of icing took an awfully long time but I think it was a great idea of Nikki's and really finishes off the cake. It was my idea to top the cake with black and silver stars on wires to give a firework effect- a decorating technique that seems to be quite popular at the moment.

Each corner of the cake contains the decorations that Nikki suggested, all made out of icing and mazipan. However I decided to do horse shoes as I wasn't sure whether I could make a horse out of icing!

Another cake I have done this year was for my younger cousin Alice, who reached double figures in April- scary stuff! Alice absolutely loves dogs, and although I couldn't get her a real dog, I could atleast make her a dog themed cake!

I went with a dalmation theme as I just love the print. I also got some inspiration after a little googling and made a dalmation dog out of icing, and a red dog collar to go around the bottom of the cake rather than a ribbon.

Alice had not been expecting a birthday cake from me, so it was lovely to see her suprised face when she was presented with the cake!

The next birthday in my household will be my Dad's in August, but I'm sure there will be many more cakes to make before then so don't go anywhere!

In the meantime, here are a few other celebration cakes I have done this year....

One for Roko Health Club (Nottingham) and Red Nose Day

A 60th birthday cake for Ed who likes golf, gardening and walking!

Iced Victoria sandwich Easter cake for Kelly who doesn't like fruit cake :)

Travel themed birthday cake for Liam

A loyal customer at Birds, Fred, turned 97 this year- you just wouldn't believe it if you met him!

An engagement cake for Katherine (the frogs are a bit random I know!)

And last but not least, a 21st birthday cake for Ben

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