College: Cheesecake, Savarins and Fudge!


This week at college we were given three new recipes: cheesecake, fudge, and savarin. I have made both cheesecakes and fudge before, but never a savarin and so I was looking forward to learning something new.

We started with the cheesecake, which was not a baked one, but instead set with gelatin. The cheesecake could be made using our own ideas and flavourings, the only rule was that the finished dessert had to contain strawberries in some shape or form!

My cheesecake creation!

Our group decided to make a strawberry coulis, and swirl this through the cheesecake to give a ripple effect. We also added chopped almonds and oats to the biscuit base to give a more complex texture. Although we worked in groups, we each produced our own individual dessert to plate up ourselves. Everyone seemed to have some great ideas- there were balsamic reductions, strawberries with basil, and spun sugar creations- I did feel a little intimidated by all the talent in the room! I decided to top my cheesecake with a florentine biscuit, piped whipped cream and fresh strawberries- I'm not quite sure if the combination worked but it didn't look too bad!

Whilst the cheesecakes were setting, we started on the fudge, in which we all made our own batch. Again we were given the basic recipe but could add our own ingredients/flavourings. To half of mine I added white chocolate and pecan nuts, and to the other half, sliced almonds and glace cherries.

Tower of fudge!

I had a little bit of a disaster with my fudge boiling over in the pan (oops!) but the finished result was good and I think I may stick to using this new recipe in the future as it is absolutely delicious!

Lastly we made our savarins. A savarin is a yeast raised cake that is baked in a ring shaped mould and soaked in sugar syrup after baking. They are generally sliced in half after baking and cooling, before being filled with whipped cream and fresh fruit. I used creme chantilly and whisky-soaked raisins to fill mine, then topped it with strawberries and sliced almonds. It looks a little messy, but it was hard to make such a pudding look pretty!

Next week we tackle croissants, danish pastries and genoese sponge- I can't wait!

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  1. I'm liking the blog by the way... Cool to see the stuff you've made accompanied with dialogue.
    What make of camera did you use for the fudge?

    Still need to steal your florentine recipe :D

  2. Thanks Sam! I've decided to do a blog update about every college lesson we have...its quite a good way of going over everything in your head :) Completely forgot about the florentines...I will try and fish out my recipe as I have a v.bad habit of writing recipes on odd bits of paper and then loosing them !
    Good luck with Herman :D


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