Paris: Day Two


Today I decided to do something touristy and visit the Eiffel Tower, before going on my hunt before more Patisseries. However, I won't bore you with that, only because my blog is not intended for such topics (however, if you'd like to know, it was great and the views are fantastic)!

My first patisserie today was La Boulangerie Julien which has been around since 1801- impressive huh? I had read that they sell mini viennoiseries, and I came to the conclusion that by buying a couple of those I would still have room for more pastries later!

I first tried a chouquette, which is essentially puff pastry sprinkled with small nuggets of sugar. Basically a profiterole without the cream filling I guess. Although this sounds a little boring, it was suprisingly yummy and I can see how these could be quite addictive!

The pastry was tender and flavoursome,and the sweetness from the sugar on top perfectly finished it off- I wish I had more luggage space to take a bag of these home!

Secondly I had a canelle, and I'm still not too sure what this is but it looked familiar! It tasted like a bread-like cake, drenched in some sort of syrup. The texture was very doughy and chewy and it had a dark caramel flavour. Although I liked the flavour, I wasn't overly keen on the texture but as it was sweet, it was still pretty yummy!

Later on I thought it would be best to have something along the savoury line (!) so I picked up a small cheesy baguette (not exactly sure what the french name for this was!) from Paul, a well known family boulangerie with locations all over France. The bread was a little tough and chewy (again!) for my liking but after a short blast in the microwave this certainly improved things a little!

Next to move onto some more sweet treats, which came from Eric Kayser, Arnaud Delmontel and Stohrer. However you will have to wait until tomorrow for my verdict on those as I am in need of some beauty sleep!

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  1. Actually, as an Engineer, I would have sooner heard about the Eiffel Tower! This is your pops 'posting a comment' on Facebook - can you believe it? I came back yesterday from Abu Dhabi after a successful but very hot and tiring trip.Tomorrow Mum and I are off to Blackpool to see Mum's old dancing buddy, Martin, so we may be out of contact until we return on Saturday (unless they have internet access at the place we are staying). Look forward to hearing more about your adventure, and enjoy!
    Dad XXX

  2. Well thank you for your comment! But by the way, this is my blog not facebook haha!
    Don't worry you will hear all about the eiffel tower when I get home, but for now its just the pastries!
    Have a brilliant weekend, miss you lots!
    Claire xXx


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