First day at college


On Tuesday I started my Level 3 Pastry Cooks and Patisseries Diploma course at Clarendon college which I have been really looking forward to. I was very lucky to get one of the 14 places that were available for this course as I do not have any previous catering qualifications so I am over the moon to get such an opportunity.

The day started with a short induction, but we then got straight into the baking side of things which I wasn't expecting on the first day, but I certainly wasn't complaining!

I can't believe we actually started with something I have the least baking experience in-bread! Luckily we were working in pairs so I got some assistance from my partner and our plaited loaves came out looking pretty damn good! After this we made bread cakes, which are essentially a 'tear and share' bread decorated with poppy and sesame seeds, or whatever takes your fancy! The bread rose perfectly and baked to give a lovely soft crust and interior. I'm so happy that I successfully made my first ever loaf of bread!

In the afternoon we moved onto something sweet - a fresh strawberry tart with a rich shortcrust base and creme patissiere filling (again, something I have never made before!). My partner assured me that creme patissiere was really easy to make, and he was right. All it basically involves is whisking hot milk into eggs and sugar, adding a little cornflour and then boiling the mixture until thick. You just have to be careful not to burn it!

After filling and decorating our tarts, the day came to an end. Although tiring, I wish I could have gone back the next day to do more and I'm quite disappointed that I have to wait until next Tuesday for our next session!

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  1. Oh wow!!! I love to bake bread but like you have no previous or proper experience in it. And boy, I love the smell that wafts through the house as the bread bakes. Those pics looks pretty darn lovely! Wish you had posted a pic of the strawberry tart too...

  2. Thank you so much! I had another go at baking bread today at home to see if I could do it alone...its actually turned out ok so I'm feeling quite happy! I must remember to bring my camera to college so I can get some more pictures next time!


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