Tiffin Tea House


For the past year, my mum and a friend/ex work collegue of hers, Jo, have been planning a very exciting new venture- all based around the idea of the traditional British tea.
Yesterday, they opened their very own tea house in the heart of West Bridgford, which focuses on providing a wide range of speciality teas and homemade food, all served in beautiful chinaware that they have been gradually collecting over the year. Their menu features lazy breakfasts, warm quiche with salad, brioche and jam, crumpets and butter, soup with crusty bread, paninis, traditional ploughmans and yep you guessed it...cake! You may wonder if I have any involvement in the cake part, and I can happily say that for the moment, yes I have indeed! My mum is of course an amazing baker and cake decorator (I owe many of my skills to her) and will be doing much of the baking where she can but I will be there to lend an extra pair of hands and help keep up with demand! I will also be setting a celebration cake service through Tiffin where people can order personalised, hand decorated cakes - exciting huh?!

What is the name of this new tea house you ask? Well, after weeks of brainstorming and playing around with different ideas from friends and family, my mum and Jo finally decided on the name 'Tiffin'. You may well be familiar with the 'no-bake' chocolate cake called Tiffin, but the name actually originated in British India. To find out more about the history you can visit the Tiffin website by clicking here.

It has certainly been a long hard road for my mum and Jo, but they have finally made it to the finish like (although I guess it is only just the beginning!) and I am so proud (and a tad jealous) of what they have created.

If you live in the area, please do pop in for tea and cake, and for the non-tea drinkers (i.e. me) a cup of coffee (which I have tested and am happy to say that it is very good!) or even luxury hot chocolate - also available in white, which is like drinking milky bar!
I hope to see you soon! :)

One of Tiffin's first customers (yes...that would be my dad!)

To find out more, please visit the Tiffin website here.

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  1. That is so exciting! I hope it goes well for your Mum and her friend and that you are able to get good business for the celebration cakes through it. Looking forward to seeing more baking gorgeousness from you! I'd love to see more photos of the shop too...

  2. Thank you for your well wishes :) I will try and take some more photos of the shop and upload them soon. To be honest, right now I'm doing so much baking that I just don't have time to blog about everything!


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