first attempt at melting-middle cupcakes...


On Saturday I spent the day in London with my mum and younger sister Helen. I was hoping to come across Hummingbird's or Primrose bakery but unfortunately we ran out of time to try and find them! However, I did get to nosey around the food hall in Harrods to check out the lovely cake and chocolate displays, and I was shocked to see a cake on sale for £4999!

The most expensive cake I have EVER seen!

We came home on Sunday morning which gave me the rest of the day to do some baking. I wanted to have a go at cupcakes that have a gooey filling that oozes out when you bite into them. I made chocolate cupcakes and added a teaspoon of chocolate spread, and white chocolate cupcakes with a teaspoon of raspberry jam. Unfortunately they didn't quite work out as I had planned as both the chocolate spread and jam sunk to the bottom of the mixture during baking, resulting in it getting stuck to the paper cases. Next time I will try this with a cake mixture, as the cupcake mix is like a batter and is too runny to hold any heavier ingredients. Despite this, they were still very tasty and (not) surprisingly we managed to eat them all!

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