Banana muffins with crunchy sugar!


Recently I asked my work collegues for ideas on things I could bake, that maybe they havn't had for a while or that are hard to get hold of. My friend Georgia told me she used to get banana muffins at school with 'crunchy sugar on top' that were delicious. I like a bit of a challenge so I thought I would try and give it a go to see if my muffins would live up to her expectations!
They were very moist and bananary and certainly passed the taste test for me. I took the rest into work and they got the thumbs up! Infact, my work friends even gave them '5 stars' which made me very happy!
Technically, this was actually a cupcake recipe, taken from 'Divine Cupcakes' by Tamara Jane but I baked them in muffin cases so they were nice and big!

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