Swiss Lemon Tart


As my sister and her boyfriend came for dinner on sunday, and my dad was back from Kilomanjoro (he made it to the top-I'm so proud!) I thought I'd make a 'proper' pudding again. I opted for the swiss lemon tart from Leith's Baking Bible as I have a new found liking for lemony desserts since trying the English Provender Co.'s 'Luxury Lemon Curd'.
The tart case was made out of pate sucree- a sweet biscuit-like french pastry and the filling consisted of lemon, cream, eggs and sugar. I first blind baked the pastry, then poured in the filling and baked the tart at a lower temperature until set. I was happy with the end result, and everybody enjoyed it but the lemon filling was slightly too tangy for me. I much prefer the buttery, almost 'cheesy' taste of lemon curd, which this tart did not have.
What I'd really like to try and make now are lemon butter bars. Shortcrust pastry topped with homemade lemon curd and dusted with icing sugar-I'm definetely putting that on my baking wish list!

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  1. This is making me SO hungry. Looks delicious claire, another triumph.



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