Cinnamon swirl success!


My sister's boyfriend loves cinnamon swirls so this week he requested that I make him some. I've never tried making danish pastries before so I felt quite excited about the challenge. I looked to Leith's Baking Bible for a recipe and found one for 'pains au raisin'. Although at the beginning of this chapter it says 'Before attempting either croissants or danish pastries the cook should have made puff pastry and bread successfully' (neither of which I have done) I decided to give them a go anyway! The dough was quite difficult to make as it involved 'rolling' and 'folding' in the butter, plus the butter I used wasn't quite soft enough so didn't properly mix into the dough. I probably did about 15 rolls and folds altogether (you are only supposed to do four!) so I was a bit worried that the recipe wouldn't give the right result. Luckily when I baked them off the next day, they rose perfectly and looked great, and the smell in the kitchen was amazing!

Rabbi came to collect his goods tonight, so I'm still waiting to find out his verdict! The pastry was a bit hard after it had been baked so I think I probably overworked it from all that rolling and folding! Nevermind, I'm still really proud of myself considering I've never made them before :)

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