passion fruit butterflies!


I'm pretty sure passion fruit is in season at the moment so I bought some from my local fruit and veg shop and had a go at making passion fruit shortbread from the Baking Bible. With the fruit I had leftover I decided to make some passion fruit curd. In most recipes I looked at they instruct you to seive out the seeds and just use the juice for the curd but I thought this was a bit of a waste-passion fruit it practically all seeds! So anyway, I kept them in and the recipe still worked fine- it just has a bit of extra crunch!
I cut out shapes using a new butterfly cutter I got for christmas, and a flower biscuit cutter and then chilled them in the freezer to prevent them from loosing their shape whilst baking. I didn't think this would work for the butterflies but they kept their shape really well so I was very happy! Once the biscuits were cool I sandwiched them together using the curd, so they were kind of like passion fruit dodgers-pretty cool huh! :) 

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