Biscuit of the week!


After over indulging in cupcakes I decided to bake something a bit 'healthier' for January. So I scanned through Leith's baking bible and came across carrot and apricot biscuits plus another recipe for carrot and date biscuits. Both are pretty much identical recipes so I gave them both a go!

To be honest, they were more like cookies than biscuits as they were soft and chewy but this is what I expected. Not bad for a healthy cookie though!

Ok, so I couldn't resist making something a bit more indulgent! Muffins are the one thing I'm not so good at making so I thought I needed a bit of practice :) I decided to go for something simple, so I chose a recipe for choc chip muffins but added orange essence to make them a bit more exciting. I also had to make some rich chocolate icing to go on top....yum!

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