Diet? Not me!


January is a depressing month. The weather is dismal and everybody seems to be on diets and exercise regimes. For me, who is underweight, is finding it very difficult to gain weight in a world where everybody seems to be focused on loosing it! Sunday is my baking day so to cheer myself up I decided to bake some cupcakes with two recipes I adapted from the Hummingbird Bakery cookery book. As a bit of an experiment I made amaretto cupcakes, and also some rich triple chocolate cupcakes with plenty of butter icing! The chocolate ones need a bit of tweaking, as they did sink a little but still tasted delicious anyway!

I added chunks of marzipan to these but unfortunatly they sank to the bottom and stuck to the paper, so I think maybe dusting them in a bit of flour might prevent this next time.
Although sickly, the cupcakes were very addictive and went down well with my sister and her boyfriend, and I greedily ate 3 aswel (!) Couldn't tempt my mum though!

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