Like Family Guy?


Me, my sister Helen and her boyfriend Rabbi are big fans of the hit television series Family Guy, and Rabbi in particular loves the character Stewie (thats the baby, incase you didn't know!). A few weeks back it was Rabbi's 22nd birthday and so I thought I had better make him a cake, although not one quite as big as the Superman cake I made him last year!
As I know myself, the day you turn 22 is not the best day of your life, certainly not after the high you get from being 21! Therefore, I thought a family guy themed cake would be the perfect solution to make Rabbi smile!

I actually had some left over blue icing from when I did Rabbi's Superman cake last year (I've not found many uses for blue icing!) so I used this to ice the cake which I think goes rather well with the design. I thought that Stewie would be a fairly simple character to cut out of icing, but as usual it was more difficult than I initially thought! However, I managed to get him right eventually and I think he looks fairly realistic.
My sister delivered the cake to Rabbi on his birthday, and after speaking to him later on in the evening he told me how pleased and amazed he was with the cake. I was really touched when he said to me 'You are a professional Claire, you don't need to do a course in baking!' However, I might add that this was after a few drinks so I think he was probably feeling exceptionally jolly that evening!

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