Remember the cornflake slice?


We had a huge box of Kelloggs cornflakes in the cupboard so I thought what better way to use them up than to make cornflake cakes. I thought back to my childhood and reminised about all the puddings we used to have at school- steamed sponge cake and custard, and of course the cornflake slice. Crumbly pastry base, with a sweet jam filling, topped with cornflakes combined with some sort of syrup- oh it was delightful! Nowadays, this is something that is hard to find- I've done many searches on the internet to find an original recipe but I'm unsure which one to use. Anyway, instead of making the original cornflake slice, I decided to do a twist on this and make a chocolate one.
Basically I made a chocolate pastry base, topped this with chocolate cornflake cake and then added glace cherries. The end result was rather tasty- the rich, dark pastry base complimented the sweet gooey topping. The only problem was that after a day the cornflakes started to soften so we has to eat them quite quickly- never mind!

Along with this, I thought I'd also have a go at making coconut and raspberry squares. I tried one a couple of weeks ago from the Handmade Cake Company and I must say it was one of the nicest shop bought cakes I have ever eaten!
This is probably one of the best tray bakes I've made yet, although I found that the base was quite cakey whereas I would have preferred it to be more like a pastry.

I took the recipe from Delicious Magazine, found on the channel four website, which can be found here:

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