Winter Gingerbread People


I do enjoy making gingerbread people, and I especially like to come up with different ways to jazz them up. Last year at christmas time I made gingerbread elves and I expect that I will do them again this year, but as it is still November I thought I ought to do something a little less festive.

Thinking of a theme for November was quite difficult. The only big occasion really is Bonfire night, and I wasn't quite sure how to get that theme into a gingerbread man! However, one thing I do know for sure is that the weather is getting colder and people are getting their winter gear out again. So that led me to think, what about gingerbread people all wrapped up in winter clothing-perfect!

I made little hats, scarves and pairs of gloves in icing of matching colours, and stuck everything together with a little royal icing. My sister even suggested making them some little boots, but I decided that they looked cosy enough and definitely ready for the cold winter weather that is gradually coming our way!

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