Wired sugar flowers


I made a bad mistake last week. I thought (for some silly reason) that I had two weeks off for half term at college and so missed last weeks lesson. Clearly I can't read timetables and I was extremely annoyed with myself for missing out on our first session making wired sugar flowers - something I have always wanted to have a go at.

After speaking with my teacher she said that I would be able to make the ivy leaves and small pulled flowers to decorate my cake, but not the roses as I wouldn't have enough time to complete them. I felt gutted, especially since this is something I really wanted to do and because roses are my favourite flowers!

However, I was determined to have a go at doing the roses, and so I suggested that I make them at home (as you can see from the photos!). My teacher agreed but told me that I will be unable to be assessed on them because she has to be there to see me make them.

The reason I am writing this blog post, is to show to you all the process of making wired sugar roses, and to show my teacher that I am 100% committed to the course.

I have made my own video of me making the roses (thanks to my sister for filming me!), to prove that I really did do it all myself! I don't particularly like seeing myself on camera and I'm rather embarrased by the video, but I really wanted to show my dedication to the art of patisserie and cake decoration. I also hope that its useful for anyone thinking about making sugar flowers themself!
Enjoy :)


By the way, apologies for the sideways view half way through the video- I can't work out how to rotate the picture! 

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