Easter Treats


It's that time of year again, although a little late this time round. However, the longer wait for Easter time to come around again made it even more exciting! This year was a very quiet easter for me as my parents were away in France relaxing in the sun and drinking wine! I was working over Good Friday and Easter Saturday, but I managed to pursuade my younger sister Helen to come and visit me on Sunday and keep me company! Helen is very busy studying for her final university exams so revision is, unfortunatly, taking over (most of) her life. I thought I better make it worth her while so I spent the Saturday making lots of yummy easter treats.

Helen is a big fan of battenburg, and I think it is quite a spring-like cake so I thought it would be perfect for the occasion. Although I've made a regular sized battenburg before, I've always wanted to make mini versions like the Mr Kipling ones so that's exactly what I did! It was a little bit fiddly and time consuming but I think the finished cakes look pretty and rather colourful! :)

I decorated the cupcakes and easter nests with cadbury mini eggs (I had forgotten how amazing these actually are) and teeny weeny eggs which I picked up from Asda. Cute huh? I've never made chocolate easter nests before but I I thought they were delish- I will never refer to shredded wheat as 'boring' again!
I was also really pleased with my traditional spiced easter biscuits. Buttery, crisp and flavoursome- little bitesize pieces of joy!


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