Gluten Free Apple Streusel Cake


First, apologies for the long wait on a new post - I've still been baking but unfortunately too busy to update my blog (terrible excuse, I know). Anyway, I thought I'd start the (long gone) new year with a classic apple streusel cake, minus the gluten for all you coeliacs out there who are crying out for a decent piece of cake!

I've made this cake many times before and have been very happy with the results. It is lovely moist cake with chunks of apple, the warming spice of cinnamon, and a crunchy/nutty/buttery topping - perfect for eating with a cup of coffee in these cold and dark January days. In the past I have always made this cake with regular flour, but this time I thought I'd have a go at using gluten-free flour with a little xanthum gum to see if I could get the same result.

The cake rose well, and didn't collapse on removal from the oven (always a good sign!). It also remained lovely and moist, and formed a nice crunchy crust on top. I found it a little more difficult to slice as it was a bit crumbly, but hey, crumbs aren't all that bad!

The true test was obviously in the taste, and I can confirm that it did taste as good as the glutenous version! Infact, I was that happy with the results that I have just made another one, and if you pop into Tiffin this weekend you'll be able to try some there!

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