Blackened Bananas


Ever had a time when you end up with a load of over-ripe bananas that are waaay past the point of eating and the only thing for it is to bake banana bread, or, unfortunately, chuck them away? Yeah, it happens....but what about the times when you get that craving for moist bananary cakey goodness and lo and behold(!), there are no ripe bananas to be found?! Could one possibly make a tasty banana bread with just-bought under ripe bananas...surely there must be a way right?

Well I have some good news for you banana lovers- there absolutely is! Forget putting your bananas in brown paper bags with ripe fruits in an attempt to speed up the process-there is a quicker way! Believe it or not, this involves baking them first, and trust me, once you try this method you'll never go back to waiting around for those yellowy-greenish bananas to start turning brown. After doing this, you will end up with a load of extra soft and deliciously sweet mushy banana flesh- perfect!

Baked Blackened Bananas:
Buy a load of bananas (as little or as many as you need)
Pre-heat your oven to 300C (gas mark 2)
Place your bananas on a baking tray lined with baking parchment or foil
Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes until black and squishy to touch (but don't give them a squeeze while still hot!)
Allow to cool, then peel and remove the flesh for use in your favourite banana bread recipe- it's as easy as that!

And if you're feeling extra organised, you can bake a BIG batch bananas, and freeze the flesh in food safe bags for future cake baking cravings- yay!

Have you got a great baking tip that you would like to share? Let me know by leaving a comment below! 

Happy banana baking!

Claire x

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