Strawberry & White Chocolate Jam


The other week, whilst sitting around the dinner table talking with family and friends, the subject of jam was brought up and we began discussing our favourite flavours. I like a good raspberry conserve, seeds and all, but I think my personal favourite has to be 'quatre fruits'- four fruits that is. My parents buy this delicious jam on their trips to France and I always look forward to a jar of the stuff when they return. However, I did recently discover that Bonne Maman make a similar version containing strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and cherries which is also rather scrummy, and available in the UK-wahey!

Anyway, one of my friends told me about a jam that his mum makes which contains chocolate. Chocolate? In jam? I wasn't sure that it could actually work. Now don't get me wrong, I love a bit (or a lot) of Nutella but wouldn't adding chunks of chocolate to fruit jam be a bit strange? Well, in this case, it definitely isn't! Basically, you make a raspberry jam, then stir in small pieces of white chocolate at the last minute so that some of it partially melts into the hot jam, whilst some of it remains as chunks which gives one a nice surprise when spreading some of the stuff on hot, buttery toast-nice! I just had to have a go at making a batch of my own.

For mine, I used fresh strawberries and also added the seeds from a vanilla pod as I love the combination of vanilla with white chocolate. I took a standard bar of white chocolate, and roughly chopped it into chunks/flakes of varying size. I made my strawberry jam as normal, transferred it to jars, then whilst it was still hot in the jars I quickly stirred through the chocolate. I was a bit worried that it would all melt instantly, considering the low melting point of chocolate, but surprisingly it didn't and I was left with four wonderful jars of ruby red jam speckled with creamy white chunks and tiny black dots of vanilla.

Rather nice stirred through homemade ice cream, or you could just get a spoon...

As for the taste? Well, all I can say is that I was blown away. This is the best jam I have ever tasted and I admit to eating it straight from the jar... I will most certainly be making it again once my batch runs out!

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