Gluten Free Banana Bread


Although not a coeliac myself, I do like to cater for customers who cannot eat gluten, and so now and again I experiment with a new recipe, in my search for the best. Banana bread is something that is quite a popular afternoon snack (which I also consider to be 'half healthy' as it contains fruit!) and so I thought I'd attempt my own gluten free version.

I stuck to a fairly simple recipe and substituted the regular flour for gluten free flour, whilst also adding a little xantham gum. As well as this, I threw in a few milk chocolate chunks, just to make it a little more indulgent!

The cake rose quite well in the oven, and once baked and cooled, it did slice rather nicely without crumbling and falling to bits (as a lot of gluten free cakes tend to do!). The interior was lovely and moist, and a slightly crunchy crust had formed on the outside. Unfortunately most of the chocolate sank to the bottom, but I melted a little more to drizzle over the top of the loaf to make up for this- perfect!

I often find that using gluten free flour can give baked goods a strange taste, but the banana flavour came through well, and the chocolate certainly gave it that extra yummy factor! All in all, I'm happy with this one and I'd definitely make it again!

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