Disney themed cakes: Cars and Tinkerbell!


As many of you may already know, I am a huge Disney fan so I was thrilled to have made and decorated two Disney themed birthday cakes this month.

The first was based on Cars, an animated Disney Pixar film, which features-believe it or not, human-like talking cars ! The cake I made was designed for a young boy called Kai, who just turned two years old. This was a really interesting cake to make as it consisted of three tiers, each with a completely different design. The first tier I made to look like a car tyre by using black icing and marking out a tyre design using a knife. I was unsure as to how realistic this would look but it turned out a lot better than I originally thought and was actually the easiest tier to make!

The next tier was designed to look like a racing flag, which I did by cutting out black squares of icing and arranging them on the cake in a chequered pattern. Fairly easy but time consuming- no surprise there! I also made the Cars logo out of icing to put on the front of this cake, but instead of icing 'Cars' on the front I iced 'Kai' - clever huh (!)

Finally, for the top tier I decided to go for a sort of american desert-type scene to tie in with the theme of the film. As you can see, I added little cacti, mountains and even a 'Route 66' sign, which I think is kinda cool :)

Now of course the cake wouldn't be complete without a mini Lightning Mcqueen (one of the main Cars characters for those of you who don't know) made out of icing. I can honestly say that this was probably the most difficult character I have modelled out of icing but I got there eventually and it doesn't look all that bad!

I was really happy with how the whole cake came together once stacked- it was nice to see that my hard work paid off!

So from one Disney cake to the next....

This one was for a young girl Hollie who is also a huge Disney fan like myself but she has a particular fondness for the character Tinkerbell.

After much pondering, I came to the conclusion that Tinkerbell would be best made as a 2D image on the cake, rather than a 3D model. As much as I would have liked to make a 3D Tinkerbell, I thought it would be too difficult to get all her features perfect and unfortunately I just don't have all the tools/equipment to make such a detailed character (however that is not to say I will never give this a go!)

To make Tinkerbell, I used an applique technique which involved making cardboard templates of each part of her body, and cutting around these templates on appropriately coloured roll out icing (does that make sense?). It was rather fiddly and the finished design was very delicate- I'm still not quite sure how I managed to transfer it across to the cake in one piece!

Although Tinkerbell was obviously the main centrepiece of the cake, I felt it needed something else to fill the white space. I stuck with the girly theme and made pink flowers and toadstools to make it look a little like a magical forest.  A little bit of gold 'fairy dust' gave it the perfect finish.

 That was fun, lets hope there will be more Disney cakes to come in the future :)

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  1. these are amazing! Is it really hard working with fondant?

  2. Thank you so much. No it's not too difficult once you get the hang of it...a bit like play doh I guess!


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